Short and vague

28 October 2002 - 8:24 p.m.

Well, after the in-depth and depressing entries of the past week, I am keeping this one short and vague in comparison.

I stayed at home today, and did things that didn't involve much effort. Like thinking or moving much.

My 'phone's been deathly quiet, apart from when the battery got low, at which point it gave up working and went to sleep.

I received many unwanted emails, and a gladly-recieved one from K. Saying his 'phone's been nicked - which sucks, as he's lost over 130 numbers!

I helped prop up pieces of our massive shed, whilst dad slammed nails etc into them. It's going to be so much better than one we could buy!

I'm trying to persuade someone to come to Wells with me, as I want to buy a new appartment for Godfrey. It will take 2 people to carry it to the car - but I sooo want it for him!!

I also have the tattoo itch now more than ever - not so much the piercing itch, although that's still there. I just want to get it underway, now that I have definite plans. Oh, so impatient....

I've only eaten 3 brains so far.... (Thank you people - they were lovely. Mwehehehahahahaha.......)

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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