Wednesday, an overview

20 December 2002 - 9:59 p.m.

Wednesday was interesting. I managed to get stuck in traffic once again though.

We met up at a shopping precinct, and went to get some lunch. We ate on the top floor of the jacket potato place, which was empty at the time. Thankfully, as K insisted on seeing my tattoo there and then! (He was impressed, so I was happy. It's still so much larger than anybody expects, but I love it! I still haven't decided whether to let friends etc know, or to let them find out in the summer when it is on full view....)

We travelled into Town to get a guitar string, then to his dad's for a while. I got to see photographs of his uni mates, and it was good to finally put faces to the names!

After that, we set off to his mum's. K sorted out a few things on the computer, and I kept myself entertained by playing the guitar, talking to people, playing with the dogs and daydreaming about nothing in particular. Until tea was ready - that was the first roast I'd had in ages, and darn lovely it was too!

The drive home was good, although there was still quite a bit of traffic on the roads. I sang aaalllll the way home. If you could call it singing that is...

All in all, it was great to see him again, and catch up. However, I was even quieter than normal for some strange reason. I wish I could have snapped out of it, I really do! But next time will be different.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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