The sun comes out to play...

11 May 2003 - 10:53 p.m.

The trip to the island went ahead after all yesterday (Saturday).

It was cold, windy, rainy, and I was tired, wet and hungry.

However, I was in good spirits until I had listened to Enrique Iglesias non-stop for the 2 hours it took to get there. I had thought 'my car = my music', but that didn't seem to be the case....

The boat trip was cold, windy, rainy, and I was tired, wet and hungry. Not to mention feeling decidedly ill by the end of it. One of the crew kept asking me if I was okay. I said yes every time.

The island was spectacular, and the weather changed in an hour to being hot and sunny - it was great!!

We saw some of the scenery, black rabbits (yes, wild ones), sika deer, seals, birds, a kite being flown from the top of a lighthouse, amongst other things.

So much to see, so very little time. It didn't help that I was able to move so much quicker than the others, as I knew just how far we had to go! In the end, I decided to come back and camp some time.

The boat trip back was great - sun shining, wonderful views, etc.

The first thing I did when we set sail was to buy a sausage roll and a hot chocolate - I had been forced to miss out on lunch as we 'had' to be running across boggy ground, searching for things I knew weren't there.... I realised that the bloke taking my money for both items had been the one to ask me if I was alright on the way over. He was looking at me oddly, so I left as soon as I could. It was unnerving.

Oh well, it was all good in the end.

Pictures were taken, random people were spoken to and we caught the sun. The random ship guy kept lurking, but I figured why not? He's cooped up inside, let him get some air.

As we were nearing our stop, the incessantly weird guy actually started up a conversation with me. At this point, he seemed a little more normal than he had done! Until he did the whole strange staring thing again..... At this point, the ship docked and we got off.

It started raining again, the wind picked up, and on went Enrique Iglesias for another 2 hours.

When I got home, there was a letter awaiting me. It was from my social worker, saying that he has a note from my biological grandparents that he wants to give to me. Apparantly it is a positive response!

I don't know how I'm feeling right now. As the search for my birth mother gets so close to the end, I am able to fully comprehend the outcomes of my actions. It frightens me to think just how many lives I could be changing through this pursuit of mine to find out who I am. Am I being selfish?

I have thought about this all of my life, and is something I always intended to do.

I just never imagined actually getting this far.

The letter is very positive though, so at this moment in time, the clouds part and the sun comes out to play...

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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