Another goodbye

19 July 2003 - 10:59 a.m.

My throat was extremely painful again last night, and once again prevented me from getting a reasonable amount of sleep (as if I don't have enough problems with sleep as it is).

This morning I was up and about at 7am, and picked up a friend on the way to town.

I drove to meet two other friends, one of which was the one I was taking to the station. Her bag was almost as heavy as P's was when she left!

I filled the final car seat by stopping for someone else in the town centre. I knew her, it wasn't just some random person, don't worry.

The journey was okay, although there was a suprising number of irrational drivers whose stupidity always amazes me.

We arrived in time to say goodbyes, swap gifts and for J to buy sandwiches for her journey.

She'll be back, so it's not so hard. We'll still miss her though.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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