Didn't see that one coming...

07 May 2004 - 10:08 p.m.

Well, N did call, and I got to spend time with my grandmother beforehand.

We went out to the popular local Saturday night spot, and I was introduced to so many people I recognise but have never spoken to. Including several family members, and J, the small goth with bright green hair. They were all lovely, although some were rather drunk...

I became horribly uneasy when I kept getting introduced as 'the girlfriend', and that we'd been 'together about a week now'. News to me...

We went to see Shaun of the Dead a few days later (bit washed out towards the end, but a funny film)and that's when I broke it to him. Yes, I get along with him great! Yes, I like his company. No, I'm not 'the girlfriend'. Way too far I'm afraid...

Never say never.... just not now... (Or in the foreseeable future in fact.)

So everything's good. I hope...

Oh - happy birthday Mum for yesterday, and K for today! :)

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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