It hates me...

09 January 2005 - 8:26 p.m.

Well, folks, today was painful.

I appeared home after work sporting quite a large array of different plasters and other blood-stopping paraphernaelia.

Not one, not two, not three but four.

First, I managed to get an assortment of splinters across my knuckles. That I am pretty used to. It comes with the job. They were all removed with the special pin I keep hidden away for such occasions.

Next, I somehow managed to ram half a floorboard under a fingernail. That was nasty. It is hard not to scare the customers when this happens, but luckily there were no customers. I cleared up the blood and carried on.

The third 'accident' was from the 'stepladder'. The "safe, mended" 'stepladder' was - as I had thought - untrustworthy. Luckily, I only damaged another finger. Which bled a profuse amount. More wood had to be removed from the digit.

Lastly, I sliced down the length of my arm from wrist to mid-arm. Now this one REALLY stung. And the plasters were a bitch to get rid of...

I every instance, I damaged myself on wooden objects. It hates me. Please, someone, keep me away from that place. I don't trust it right now.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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