
15 January 2005 - 8:48 p.m.

I hate my routine being upset. It upsets me, and I may bite if not approached with caution.

My day at the shop was fraught. I spent my time clearing up the mess and correcting the sales book. And I accidentally killed the stepladder. It shall be missed. Honest...

Day one back at work, and I feel absolutely terrible. I am meant to be going out tonight with a friend who is escaping the country for a fortnight, but I do not feel up to it. It is the second time in a row that I have blown her off, and I hate myself for doing it.

If I was not being messed around by everyone, it would be fine. Get home from work, go out, work the next day, eat brownies. Simple. But even the brownie routine is a mess at present. Someone may have to die for that.

But they can live for today. It is dad's birthday.

Tomorrow, on the other hand, is a different story.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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