It just goes on and on...

06 May 2005 - 10:19 p.m.

Well, the back and extremities are recovering nicely. Most of the bruising has gone away, but not before a spectacularly colourful show. Just the swelling to go now, and the occasional twinge.

I seem to have an insatiable thirst for pain and suffering at the moment. To replace the bruising, I have skinned my entire finger. I am still not sure exactly how, or even when, but am really wishing it hadn't happened at all.

Another birthday here in the camp, and far too much chocolate is hanging around than is good for anyone. I predict a quick disappearance too...

Talking of disappearance, there has been another demise in the aquarium. That's right folks - I am back to Whitey (who I don't have the heart to cull), Big Orange the Minnow-Muncher, and the Loach of Quasi-Evil (it seems to have mellowed slightly). Back to square one. Again.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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