Need for release

06 September 2005 - 1:41 p.m.

I think I need a good cry to get things out of my system. I haven't had one of those for a while, and I need to release the pent up pressure.

With any luck, when the wave breaks, I will feel slightly more balanced than I do now. I just wish I would hurry up and get this over with. I am not at my best right now, and would like things to start swinging in my favour, please.

It looks like the first part of recovery, seeing as how the floods of tears have been somewhat delayed, is a job interview.

It is the same job I wrote to them about a few weeks back that they denied any knowledge of. This time, I shall be ringing them, perhaps following up with a visit.

I want this job.

I need it.

The Karate idea has been squashed for now. The new leads were not exactly helpful. It looks as though I have the choice of paying the dishonest or taking up Tae Kwondo.

I want to learn Karate. KARATE. Nothing else (...well, Escrima, but again that's the Dishonests).

It looks as though I will be unfit for a while longer.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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