Three days to go...

23 September 2005 - 10:00 p.m.

Well, two and a half...

One trip to the vets.

Three nights sleep.

Seven meals.

Fifteen hours of work.

About the same amount of time for packing.

That is all that stands between me and my well-earned holiday. A sweet, blissful fortnight of pictures, hand signals and looking the wrong way when crossing the road.

No work. I plan to scrape every last memory of it out of my head for the duration of my trip. Oh yes.

I still regret having to leave my boys with their illness, but I need to get away - I feel both physically and mentally drained.

When I get back, I hope to be refreshed and raring to go, with a smile on my face and job applications in hand.

I look forward to it.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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