Hit a low

23 January 2006 - 10:23 a.m.

What started out as a simple painting-the-walls job turned into a nightmare. Starting with taking up a host of rotten floorboards.

At least it kept me busy though. And brought in some much needed petrol money.

I still need to find me a proper job though. One interview on Wednesday, but I am not too hopeful about my getting the position. Apart from that, I just have to keep my ear to the ground in order to get the money coming in again.

I never realised just how hard it would be when my pay stopped. It is beginning to worry me. I have always tried to save money, but with my car tax, MOT, insurance, rent, bills and living expenses, it is just getting too much right now. The state does not exactly help you out either (well, not if you are actually trying to better yourself).

I will keep hoping, praying, wishing... And a lot of waiting. I just do not know how much more of this I can take before my frustration drives me crazy.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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