A nice day out.

21 March 2006 - 6:59 p.m.

My first week of work went extremely well, and I seem to fit in there.

Although I am not used to the gruelling exercise the job entails, I do not ache as much as I was dreading.

Yesterday, after the breakfast shift, I went to pick up J. I zeroed the mile counter after I got petrol, and was appalled to find it reading '62' by the time we were parked up at the journey's end. I never realised the road diversions would take us so horrendously far out of the way!! At least I got to see some of the sights I had been meaning to take in for years...

J and I met K, and went for lunch. Then The Walk. We were intending to take in the Abbey (J had the guidebook already) but last admissions had just gone.

So we headed to the pub, where I got to use my I.D. After several hours, Chinese takeaway seemed a good idea, and so we went back to K's with it.

It was a nice day, but it had to end before I got too tired to drive home.

J left for her home today, but is making a return trip next week for the rest of her belongings... Maybe we will be able to see the Abbey after all.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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