My quarter century...

25 April 2007 - 7:07 p.m.

It was my 25th birthday yesterday.

I spent the day de-staining teapots and cutlery. I know, it really was thrilling(!)

My family and I went to the Chinese restaurant on Monday night. The traditional take-away went posh this time.

Last night (it seems so long ago!) was the present-opening and cake-scoffing. Both of those went down really well.

My presents were few, but absolutely wonderful! Thanks to L & KT for finding that flower pot - it's amazing!! Thanks for the cake too - the dwarves fit underneath the toadstool brilliantly!

Thank you to everyone who remembered my day, and made me feel slightly less depressed as yet another year flew by. I love you all!

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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