Crossing fingers......

02 August 2010 - 9:45 p.m.

So, I am having a slight 'what the fuck have I just done' moment.

Not to mention the 'what the fuck am I doing' scenario that is still ongoing.

Serious, serious trust issues right now, which are making me live on cake, biscuits, caffeine and the vague dreamless sleep that keeps the stress at bay for a short while.

Please, prove this doubting, self-hating, calorie-consuming wreck wrong. I will be ashamed and sorry to have doubted, but reasonably sane again.

35 days...

Oh, and the fraud squad phoning me didn't help much today, thank you very much.

Ben sana g�venmeye haklı mıyım?

.....L�tfen evet s�yle...

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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I feel Flibble