Positive steps forward lead to slip on banana skin...

11 November 2010 - 7:01 p.m.

The tail end of a hurricane is currently spoiling the evening out that I had been looking forward to for months. It was going to be awesome.

I know, I am skeptical when it comes to aura photography, but could at least come away with a pretty photo. And possibly some hope.

I have been making lists today. Lots, and lots of lists. Stuff I need to take which is not clothing or shoes.

I feel that there is something missing from my ream of 'essential items'. When I need it (and don't have it), I will probably glean what that thing is...

I found out today that the crapping bank are useless. I know, they were always that way, but even moreso in my eyes now.

My debit card has just been re-issued. It is now a Visa debit. Great! So new, that nobody seems to accept the bloody thing (bar the bank, of course) - and I need to be able to send my rent over to foreign shores A.S.A.P. The prospect of being abroad, alone, skint AND homeless is a little too much to bear right now...

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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