Taking time to be me

30 January 2012 - 9:06 p.m.

I can not change the sleeplessness or tiredness, but today I feel fabulous.

First snowfall of 2012. It only settled on the hills, but just being out in it was glorious.

Even the military helicopters on target practice could not stop the thrush from singing his heart out.

I have found an awesome shade of RED lip stain. No smudging, no bleeding, no printing, not too garish but oh so bright. Ohhh, it took such a long time, but I found one, and even the confidence to wear it! And yes, I am wearing it right now.

It goes with the new long bob that has replaced my long locks. It was tempting to go for the full-on bob, but this is great! I may even dye it blue again in the summer, but we'll see.

Sadly, no sign of my man to show it off to, but there's always tomorrow.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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I feel Flibble