Grand fuck-up

27 July 2012 - 9:16 p.m.

Why is it that I can say nothing without an argument ensuing, with me always in the wrong?

Why is it so wrong for me to have an opinion? Am I not allowed to say what I feel about something if it clashes with what others think?

This time it's the fucking Olympic opening ceremony, with my dad.

So yeah, I'm enamoured it, and while I get what it's about, I don't think it is one for being remembered. And so dad shouted, and stormed out and left the room, mum following behind.

I don't get it. Why was that so wrong to say? It's a petty matter, which could now actually affect my future, and certainly the balance of the family and the ground I tread on.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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