Not to be

12 December 2012 - 12:04 a.m.

I am all clean. Everything washed, put away, tidied (well, to a point).

Fairy lights are switched on finally, the place looks cosy.

New bed sheets to lie in tonight.

I chatted with the boy earlier, and whilst I couldn't help him, some lovely words were said.

I had a long soak in the bath and enjoyed it.

The boy and I returned online, and it all changed.

Not in an angry way, but in a sleazyish way. Sadly, although I could feel my cheeks pinking up, I had to go. No webcam this time - phew! As much as I wanted him, I just couldn't do it.

As much as I still want him, I go to bed alone.

I can only hope he's thinking of me as I am thinking of him right now.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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