Hectic times

06 May 2013 - 9:31 p.m.

Somehow a pigeon found it's way into the dining room. Bloody fat, heifers of birds that not even the falcons can take now. All the crystals in the window came crashing down, and my solar radiometer (that has been through soooo much over the many years we've been together) didn't survive. My mother, bless her, has ordered a new one and thinks I don't know. She is getting spoilt when she gets home.

Today is my mum's birthday. The big 60. She has had an amazing day in her favourite city - Paris.

I, on the other hand, have had a very, very, exceedingly long bank holiday weekend at work. Today we hit the record books, and I had stupidly given my best member of staff the day off. Why the fuck did I do that?! We survived though, and I had a wonderful foot soak after a shower. My feet are still throbbing after being on my feet for over 10 hours without sitting down.

Day off tomorrow - woohoo!! Possibly including a visit from middle sister.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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