Spring is coming...

07 April 2014 - 9:10 p.m.

I need to stop making lists and actually get on with doing the things that appear on them. My problem of ages.

Today, I did manage to put a slipped greenhouse panel back in it's place between the showers. Then, I turfed out two of the stacking containers to clean and tidy them. To be honest, it made little difference to the overall effect, but it's a small part done at least.

More veggies coming up. More to be replanted, thanks to another big fat slug...

Blobs also sprouting in the planter indoors! Yes, blobs. It's all I can say about them, except that one day they may look like cacti. For now, blobs will do.

I restarted Skyrim. Turned out that with my limited resources I might have been stuck as a vampire for the foreseeable future, which would have made it unbearable. I forgot just how much I had done, but I will now be better prepared (with any luck) to while away some hours and forget reality.

I need to change banks. I MUST change banks... The charity money still has not been withdrawn, and I could be earning interest on it somewhere else. Even a few pence extra would be nice...

Another day off tomorrow - I hope it brings forth rest - mind and body.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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