Why can't anything be easy???

24 May 2014 - 9:03 p.m.

Okay, scratch that last entry. Sure, there have been many tears, a lot of heartache, but I stupidly wrote that if he needs me that badly I would find him.

Er, he's asked me to go over and meet his family. As soon as. Not the happiest of time to meet the clan... And not the easiest place to get to either.

I would need connecting flights, with the travel across the UK to an airport that flies to the right place(s) being longer and more expensive than the flights themselves. The cheapest set of flights is �600, the smallest number of connections is 3, over 2 days each way. The closest airport is 300 miles away.

My vaccination for the last Hep B is next Friday, with others swiftly following on a precise schedule.

It is bank holiday weekend, plus half term. Plus a steam gala next weekend.

I am scared of my parents' reaction.

I am scared of the boss.

I am scared to look at my bank balance.

I am scared of HIS reaction when I tell him I probably can't come, especially as he's now apparently asked his brothers who all think it is a great idea...

Oh, how foolhardy to even think something would go right when it matters so much.

On the plus side, right now, there is still an 'Us'... And he is okay, and amongst family.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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