56 down...

27 March 2015 - 8:16 p.m.

Well, the dizzy spells continue, despite fresh air, food and drink. That makes over a week of lugging around this feeling. A bit like a head rush but not quite so intense, and lasts from the moment I wake until the moment I sleep again.

The last time it happened, I put it down to anaemia, but there is not reason for it this time, or not that I can discern. I may have to bite the bullet and make an appointment at the surgery. There's an average of 3 weeks wait whenever I call...

I had the kinks taken out of my shoulders again today, which doesn't feel great just now but it will ease the pain for another few weeks.

I have reached granny square 56, which is around half way. This week off has been amazing for this blanket! There is now hope of it being finished by next winter!

By next winter, I may have gone back to Vietnam again... My MOTHER is actively encouraging me to go - I can't believe it!!

I also can't get over that she hasn't given my sister grief about getting a tattoo, and is considering one herself. After all the shit she gave me over and over! I considered telling her about the new addition, but once again it never came up in conversation. I'll show her one day...

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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I feel Flibble