An offer I can't refuse...

05 April 2015 - 8:00 p.m.

Dear readers, you may or may not know that I spend a small part of my life running around in costume, and I have a fair few pairs of wings in all shapes, colours and sizes. Escapism, if you will, but bloody good fun nonetheless. I get to not give a shit for a while, as everyone around me is doing the same.

I have been contacted by an amazing, well-known wing-maker in the US who has propositioned me with something I can't refuse. A discount on a pair of wings, and a free pair to accompany them!! Apparently she likes my photos (taken or of me I'm not sure) and would just like me to send her some decent shoot pics of the wing sets. (I'm thinking woodland setting, which means a 2-minute walk for me. The camera work will be my nemesis!)

Now, considering my photos are set to 'private' on a popular networking site, does she really think that? Has she simply got the wrong person??

We've had a conversation, and she's genuine about the offer, but do I just take her on her word that I'm the one she's meant to be talking to or will the doubt and guilt gnaw away at me? I am worried she is going to send them and go 'oh SHIT! I made a mistake!!', and then never speak to me again, as they cost the earth...

But heck, I'll never get another chance!

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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