
07 April 2016 - 7:32 p.m.

How can a simple paperback book leave me with such a sense of disappointment and loss? Bereft of the crisp leaves to turn and characters to worry for?

That heavy feeling pressing against my senses as the need to know what happens next pervades everything.

I have been eeking out the pages; rationing them until I could stand it no longer.

The intrigue of intertwining plots with unexpected twists along the way. Murder. Magic. Intrigue. Different worlds, locations, friends and foes. Talking horses...

It usually takes me 2 days to finish an instalment of the chronicles as it is now dubbed, so I have been very good by making it last over a month!

Now I have to wait yet another 11 months for the NEXT part to be written, published and sent me.

I may start to re-read all 11 on the shelf in the hopes that it'll all stick a bit better come the new book's release...

On the plus side, it means they're all first editions, and a few are signed...

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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