
22 July 2016 - 9:23 a.m.

I have had notification of my delivery, only 24 hours after I expected it.

My driver is Dave, and he is currently 15 miles away doing Deliver 1.

I am Delivery 93...

In the last 15 minutes, the time has changed (now 7 hours to go) and yet Delivery 1 is posing arduous time-wise.

In the time between now and work, I could actually get in my still-shiny car, mug Dave and return home to set everything up.

Instead, I have to wait for him to get to work, where I then have nowhere to actually store it safely.

DRIVE Dave, fucking DRIVE!!

Okay, so I may have just checked - with 6 hours 30 minutes to go, he is 3 MILES away... This is just insanely frustrating!!

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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