
04 August 2016 - 8:55 a.m.

One Freudian slip in panicked conversation with my cousin. That's all it took to make me feel like this today...

Birthday present number 1 for sis got broken with just a few days to go, and I was talking it out with the aforementioned cousin, whom I work with. Through the babble, she managed to pick out the word 'baby', and that was that... Fuck the dilemma I had - that word she honed in on like a fucking heat seeking missile... I told her NOT to tell anyone that we knew, especially work or family. She swore to my face that it wouldn't go any further, and being so quiet I trusted her. Besides, it could go either way as it's still so early.

Oh, I was so wrong about her being quiet...

7.27 this morning, and I'm getting a bollocking by my sister - via TEXT as she cannot restrain her words. My Aunty and entire family 'somehow' know. It spread back to her via my mother - who will in turn make me feel bad for existing.

THEY ALL KNOW! It's all my fault and I feel like utter shit.

If I could take back the tiny slip I damn well would. Think I may be having quiet words later today when I get in to work...

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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I feel Flibble