Recovery time

01 September 2016 - 9:35 a.m.

After our busiest day on record, I went to say goodbye to the boss, as I had been on the early shift and had already stayed longer than intended.

The boss - loudly and in front of customers - berated me for leaving as she hadn't put a break through. We had had people running down to her literally all day. so she could have easily sorted her break out - as is her responsibility.

I commented on the fact that it was the busiest day on record.
"Whose?" she snapped.
"Ours" I replied calmly.

I walked out.

That was on Monday, another month entirely, and I have since had 2 days away visiting Gray's half-sister and brother-in-law-to-be. They were nice people, though Mum had gone back up North, which confused me somewhat... We had a good (if short) night of it. The meeting followed my hair re-dye session, which made me feel better about myself too. Gray did have to loosen my shoulders though as the muscles had tightened so much. He had trouble distinguishing muscle from bone... The pain has lessened though, he did a good job! I am so thankful to have him.

Yesterday involved an early start as Gray left for work, and I made it home for 10am. I then compiled tickets and other bits from my time with Gray for a scrapbook. Dad came and fixed my kitchen blind, and I had dinner with parents and sister. It was nice to catch up. (Food wasn't bad either!)

I got a decent amount of sleep last night and feel better for it, if dreading work. 8 days of shifts - 5 late, 3 early. Worth it - I then get A LONG WEEKEND OFF!!!!!!! I can not WAIT!

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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