
16 October 2016 - 9:31 p.m.

I am once again dosed up on anti-inflammatories.

My shoulder joints feel horrible and whatever swelling has accrued seems to be pinching nerves or something as my ear and arm keep feeling cold.

I am hoping it will go away as it is painful all the time and I can't sleep - especially if I lie of one of the afflicted parts!

I naturally sleep on my side - always have done - so sleeping on my back is going to be a challenge... I think I must have woken Gray a hundred times last night when turning over in pain, so it is worth a shot at repair whilst I have the bed to myself.

I am definitely not telling my dad about it until I have to - he'll think it's sympathy pain because he's having his shoulder operated on in a few weeks. Silly bugger managed to tear the cartilage away from the rest of his arm and needs it sewn back on...

If all else fails tonight I shall get up and look at the stunningly bright full moon in the surprisingly clear sky. Not bad, October, not bad!

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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I feel Flibble