Touched by the noses of dormice

21 October 2016 - 8:05 p.m.

I pushed through the undergrowth in a bid to be the first to a certain box. I was closer than anyone else and the terrain was steep, slippery and trees had fallen.

I closed off the opening with my fingers and as I went to undo the wire holding the lid, I felt a whiskered nose push against them.

I peeked under the lid and saw fresh green leaves, indicating a dormouse nest but could it be? Maybe another wood mouse?

It took a while for the people with equipment to stop gassing and come over, but the box was gently lifted out - hand still over the hole.

Inside, there was the most beautiful nest of woven leaves and grasses! As the nest was inspected, a mouse shot out - along with a juvenile! My first ever dormice!!! With their blonde fur and bushy tail, they really are adorable little creatures, and I feel so privileged to have seen something so endangered!

I hope they aren't the last I get to see.

On another note, blanket is almost finished and I am now on episode 14...

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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