Backward turn

22 November 2016 - 8:57 p.m.

Once again my body is deciding that shutting down the immune system and ramping up the hormones slightly is the way to go.

Back to needing to sleep all the time, spontaneous acne like there's no tomorrow and the need to drink my weight in fluid each day, not to mention the constantly feeling sick, anxiety, road rage and general melancholy.

Back to the doctor next week - joy! At least then I can also discuss the fact that my malaria prescription is horrendously incorrect. Thank goodness I read it before blindly cashing it in!

Then I have a dentist appointment - here's hoping I can find the right words and couple them with the right amount of force and misery as I tell them how shit a job they did the last 3 times and to fucking FIX my teeth please.

In the meantime, I am going to scoff the rest of the fruit, with freezer chocolate for balance...

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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