Musings #2

08 December 2016 - 7:20 p.m.

So, the cakes still haven't happened yet...

I am instead in the midst of an online conversation with someone I used to know in Afghanistan. I knew him and his family, and it was his (now ex-)wife who took me under her wing despite being younger than myself.

He has sold his shop in Turkey and is studying in order to become a pharmacist.

It seems so strange for anyone friends with my ex would want to stay in contact with someone who is friends with their ex, but it is nice too.

He did ask whether I was still with the aforementioned man, and when I said no he assumed it was because he went and got married. I had to tell him no again. I left out the bit about breaking his heart and walking away in order to mend what is left of my own. He doesn't need to know details.

I need to go and make goddamned cakes...

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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