Proud aunty

26 May 2018 - 10:27 p.m.

Today is the day that I became a niece once again!! I am over the moon... Her name is Rosie, keeping flower names in the family. I am just a wee bit emotional still... My mum and I had a little cry at each other down the phone...

...Right after I got the news, the most almighty electrical storm blew through at one hell of a speed... The thunder did not finish before the next bout, while lightning forked searingly bright across the skies. I grabbed a hot mug of tea and legged it to the car to get a better view. It was very marginally better... I really, really miss the views of the family home just a few hundred metres away - no chance I was going to brave it over there tonight though! To the car was quite enough! For almost an hour it raged, before slowly petering out.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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