Do I, don't I...?

25 July 2003 - 9:35 p.m.

I went to buy a new 'phone today, and almost got persuaded not to get the one I wanted. They don't like it, so they won't sell it.

However, I may still get it - I don't want / need one of those not-quite-computer-yet-still-incredibly-incredible things that does everything except make tea and walk the dog of a morning. So, people don't like the look of my possible new mobile. I like it, and that's what counts.

Mind you, one of the informative yet annoyingly persuasive staff almost managed to sell me his one, as he's upgrading his to a 'better' model. I didn't go for it though.

Time to mull it over some more...

And congratulations to Shada (in the good care of Skye) who gave birth to a healthy litter of gerbils early this morning!! (And yes, she IS a gerbil too...)

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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