Start of a new adventure...?

24 June 2009 - 10:23 a.m.

Okay, so a few days of crying myself to sleep, missing you and nursing a broken heart was the most shattering time I have had in a while. Not so much fun, I have to say. But yesterday, after having watched the new Transformers movie (which, for a 12 certificate, wasn't bad), I began putting things in perspective.

I told you I lost another friend, and several hours later you dumped my via text message over something as trivial as not having been granted the time off to visit you since you asked 24 hours prior... Our 'arguement' you call it. Did I miss something??

Did you really love me? Or was it just something you said to keep me hanging on? Either way, I was so stupid to fall for you. I walked blindly, trustingly towards you and you tripped me up and sent me spinning down the side of a very steep hill. Nice. (although, I have to admit, we are still vaguely on speaking terms...)

I think I may be starting to pick myself up. Slowly - but making progress now.

Lying at the bottom of the hill, I stood staring up at you for a while, with your back to me. I started to wonder how much you actually cared. I wondered if you just had no tact at all, or whether you were actually that unfeeling. I don't think my dear lost friend would like you either way. She would probably call you an arse.

I look around me, and decide not to try climbing back up, and to follow the stream meandering away at the bottom of the hill instead.

And so, while I still hurt because of what you did, I no longer feel bound to follow the path I was on. No more falls. No more tears. Just a gentle stroll towards somewhere better.

ღღღ This entry is dedicated to my good friend who left this life for the next one. And also to all of those who have given me the support (and slap around the face) that I have needed. ღღღ

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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