
03 May 2015 - 8:31 p.m.

I just got a text message out of the blue, from someone I haven't been in touch with yet this year. It truly made my day!!

She asked of the rumours were true, was it me on the Vietnam tour she's leading again? I had to tell her that she's stuck with me yet again.

She's off to Mozambique in a few days to help build a library on another one of the tours. Good for her!!!

I am looking forward to October again - let the good times roll!

I haven't mentioned the Numpties reunion to her, as have noticed that she wasn't in on the emails being sent between us all - should I mention it to someone? I feel that she's as much a part of it as we all are, and is runner-up to the numpty cup itself. I may see if I can casually slip it into an email...

I have to go to the surgery again on Tuesday to fill out another vaccination form, as Cambodia has been tagged on to our Vietnam trip. Specifically Angkor Wat. It is so high up on my bucket list it's painful simply keeping my head together!! Just a couple days there, but OH MY!!!

It also looks like my social calendar is filling up, for the first time in forever. I forgot what it was like to have friends to get out with since mine all moved away or had families. I start water sports soon. It'll be bloody freezing, but I can't wait to actually get out and start doing again! Okay, so like all things I take up, it may not last, but I'll take a chance and enjoy it while it lasts.

Things are looking positive.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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