Looking backwards and to the future

14 November 2016 - 7:51 p.m.

I am not hopeful whatsoever, but I can forget the application for the ranger position as it has been filled in and sent.

I haven't heard from Gray for a few days. Not since The Ex showed up again...

A 'memory' appeared - a photo of the two of us at the time we met.

If that wasn't shock enough, 30 seconds later, he said hello...

It transpired that he still had hope that we would be together, despite the fact that we haven't been in the same room together for over 2 years...

He asked after my personal life, so I told him. Not in a nasty way, because in spite of all he did, I don't hate him. It sounds an abhorrent thing to say, but I have honestly grown out of that phase and made peace. Okay, so I still suffer because of what he did to me, but they are my cross to bear. Gray is helping me release those binds one by one, and as each shackle comes loose the memory remains but doesn't have a grip any more.

I left it open for him to remain as a friend or disappear. I'd understand the latter, it's what he's always done and what I would have done given more strength and less forgiveness, but so far he has stayed.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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