
04 July 2018 - 12:10 p.m.

My niece is so beautiful! She makes me forget my troubles for a few moments. I have only met her the once so far, but she is just perfectly imperfect. Still with the feeding tube, and yet to put on the weight, but she has hit 5 glorious weeks old! I never thought that they could work such miracles but the hospital staff have given her a full chance at life!

I have been working super long shifts with no break during the sweltering weather. We are still very much in need of staff, and in the meantime I am falling apart. On the plus side, Gray found me a diagnosis! It covers everything from the chronic muscle pain, headaches, tinnitus, jaw ache and all the other symptoms that I get. Myofascial Pain Syndrome, apparently. I told my boss, but he didn't take any notice. I wonder if he would if I pushed for an official diagnosis?

Gray wants me to quit. He says if I can find a place for both of us to live, I could and we could still afford to live. Whilst this sounds incredible, I am not actually sure I want to live with him full time, and moving is a hell no right now!

Worst bit of my day off today? Not being able to see my niece again as Gray has shingles... I can't risk passing it on, no matter how small the chances, so I have quarantined myself until I can definitely say I have not got it...

Best bit of my day? Purchasing a download that the bank rejected but I still have said download... Not gonna argue! It will pass the time nicely whilst I sit and vegetate.

It is raining for the first time since my holiday, where it rained at some point every single day... It is like it waits until I am not in work!

I am in so much pain right now that my thoughts are a bit scrambled, sorry all!

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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