Sods law...

10 August 2005 - 8:32 p.m.

Well, I had written a fantastically poetic entry whilst at work earlier.

Unfortunately, my horrifically black-tinged view of the world has been put back to rights in the past quarter of an hour, so I have decided to fill in this space with something bland and unexciting. Hurrah!

I was meant to go to Karate tonight, but had to forfeight it due to some pesky customers. Don't they know there's more to life than being stuck in that place?! I needed air for goodness sakes!

I ended up leaving half an hour before the lesson was due to start. Seeing that it would take me an hour to get there... Hmmm... I was looking forward to that as well, even if my feet are skinned and I walk with a limp.

The worst thing is, I am not able to go on Monday either, as I am away overnight. I chose the wrong week to sign up methinks.

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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