The Oblivious Gardener.

18 May 2015 - 8:55 p.m.

So, magic happened in the parent's garden - a plant appeared! Behind my dad's shed/office is a wonderfully healthy plant that has just popped up out of nowhere!

He showed me proudly from the far side of the shed, as we had the dog and so the gate around the back was up. It is short and shrubby with thick, fleshy stems and deeply divided, lush green leaves.

He had marked it out with stakes to protect it from being trodden on. He was rather chuffed at this random plant, love him - as anyone terrible at gardening would be! It obviously escaped somehow from a garden nearby, as the woods and fields yield nothing such as this.

An unheard of trio around here - a healthy plant, in their garden, for FREE!!

I can't get it out of my head, and have to go back tomorrow to get a proper look. I know it is not a native species, but I need to get closer...

I have my suspicions that this amazingly strong-looking plant that dad wants to put in a pot in the patio might actually be cannabis. I'm hoping it is just a self-seeded fatsia and I've seen it wrong at that distance, but I'm going to have to investigate further. If it was light still, I'd be down there...

If it turns out to be so, I'll have to make it 'disappear' before Thursday when my parents return.

Ironically, I feel the need to spill to someone, but the next human I'll see is a policeman in his spare time.

I'll let you know how it goes...

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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