Fritters and frittering

05 October 2016 - 12:12 p.m.

I haven't got a waffle maker so am wondering whether there is another sensible way of creating them. I feel the need to make some Nom Pum (Cambodian coconut waffles)...

As well as thinking about those, I am procrastinating to stop me from doing more housework. It is cold and it would warm me up a bit, but I have spent every day off doing such things if I am home. I have tidied a little, as middle sis is here later (and she saw the clutter whilst I was away!), and need to clean out Apollo and hoover / dust / empty bins.

I have also frittered some time by splashing out on unnecessaries that I can ill afford. Why do I do this to myself?! I have haemorrhaged several thousand the past few months thanks to various necessary ( - some regrettable - ) things and need to start to recoup the losses. No such chance with THAT time of year coming up, plus car insurance, MOT and tax due at year's end...

I wonder how much I can sell my soul for?

Wait, go back a bit! - Onward ho!

E 's hugs

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